Lawn Mowing
Mowing the lawn is as important as watering your plants, avoid hiding pests or animals that can be dangerous, such as snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc.
Improve the presentation of your lawn, giving it a clean and healthy appearance.
Finally, with proper care, it eliminates erosion and soil stability problems.
Most of the times mowing your lawn shouldn’t pose a problem, but for those busy people, we offer a weekly, montly etc. service so you can relax and be at easy as we do the hard work for you.

Weed Control & Fertilization
A thick and healthy lawn will naturally block any possible space for weeds to grow, feeding it with care always improve the general health of the lawn.
But even when you carefully nurture the lawn, weeds always will find a way to grow, so it’s advisable to treat the infestation with an adequate treatment. Depending of the severity of the infestation, a weed control program may be necessary as weeds tend to proliferate at a rapid pace, and may overrun your lawn in no time.
Weeds can invade even pathwalks, so always be on the lookout for any outbreaks.
Finally, to improve the general state of your lawn a controlled fertilization service is always advisable.

Tree service
Maintenance of your trees is always advised as their growth can be controlled with constant trimming.
We also offer tree pruning services in order to protect the tree, removing weak, diseased, or dead limbs can be accomplished at any time during the year and with the right techniches, a tree will always be in a healthy, safe, and attractive condition.
Our professional arborists will work with you to efficiently protect and remove the desired trees, as they can sometimes be a threat to your safety and cutting them is the only option.

Bed Weeding
Weeding the beds is a must if you want a clean and fresh landscape, as weeds will eventually become a major problem in the growth of your beds.
Weekly maintenance is recommended, and the process can vary depending on the severity of the cases, from manual weeding to the use of chemical sprays to eliminate any excessive outbreaks.
Although weeding the beds is not that difficult, they can be time consuming. But don’t worry, you can always enjoy the beauty of plant beds without having to take the time or effort to get the job done – just hire any of our weeding services and we’ll do the hard work for you.

Seasonal Flowers
Enjoy the best seasonal flowers with our specialized service. We have professional arborists who have carefully studied the care necessary for your flowers to grow.
In the landscape world, flowers are the best way to welcome any upcoming season, as their colors are always stunning and can be rearranged to give your garden a new light.
Seasonal flowers are always a good addition to your garden, especially on holidays, such as Christmas

Snow Removal
Snow storms often bring many problems to properties, one of the main ones being snow accumulation, which can cause a lot of material damage if it is allowed to accumulate, damage ranging from the loss of simple gardening arrangements to even damaging the infrastructure of your home.
Therefore, it is always necessary to properly clean the snow.
Being busy is always a good thing, but neglecting snow removal can become a major issue, even a threat to your safety, so if you don’t have much free time, contact us and we’ll do the rest for you.

Spring Mulching
Although the mulch is always visually appealing, it has many functionalities for your garden, and even more so when the winter cold has passed and the soil is warming up.
Your beds and plants need to recover from winter, but exploring the area is the best option to make sure the timing is correct, as mulching too early could trap cold moisture in the soil, delay plant growth and prevent soil to dry properly.
Mulching offers a wide variety of benefits, such as:
- Mulch locks in moisture as it absorbs water, thus providing an additional moisture barrier on top of your native plants.
- Mulch makes it easy to maintain gardens and grounds.
- Mulch will stop any erosion problems you may encounter in your soil as it will help keep moisture and nutrients in the soil and prevent rain from washing them.
- Maintain control of weed growth as it will prevent light from reaching weeds.
- Mulch also encourages earthworms to settle around your plants. Earthworms are a wonderful way to add more nutrients to your soil.

Fall Mulching
Mulching in the fall is just as important as in the spring, but it is done primarily to prevent temperature fluctuations from damaging your plants as drastic temperature changes are very frequent this season, and will definitely help your plants prepare for the winter.
Depending on the condition and temperature of the soil, a thicker layer of mulch may be required.
Mulching offers a wide variety of benefits, such as:
- Mulch locks in moisture as it absorbs water, thus providing an additional moisture barrier on top of your native plants.
- Mulch makes it easy to maintain gardens and grounds.
- Mulch will stop any erosion problems you may encounter in your soil as it will help keep moisture and nutrients in the soil and prevent rain from washing them.
- Maintain control of weed growth as it will prevent light from reaching weeds.
- Mulch also encourages earthworms to settle around your plants. Earthworms are a wonderful way to add more nutrients to your soil.

Aeration & Overseeding
Aeration it’s always a must to any lawn care service as such we recommend doing it atleast once in the growing season.
A well timed and properly done aeriation is always helpfull to any lawn as Aeration creates holes down into the soil to alleviate compaction so air, water and nutrients can reach grass roots.
With the aeration service you can expect your lawn to become thicker and healthier, it will also help your lawn regain its original color as heat stress and lack of rain can damage it.
The best time to overseed your lawn is while servicing aeration. With the open holes in your lawn caused by aeration, there is greater seed to soil contact which allows the seeds to germinate faster giving you a lush, healthy lawn.

Gutter Cleaning
You can easily forget about the gutter and neglect its maintenance, but doing so can cause serious long-term damage to your home’s infrastructure, as when they become clogged, they cannot distribute water efficiently, causing roof leaks and in hefty repair costs.
Clean gutters channel water from your roof and safely into your perimeter drainage system. This keeps the water away from the base, so it doesn’t harm your home.
While everyone knows that gutter cleaning is a job to be done to avoid future problems, it is something that people dont really look forward to, since using stairs and manually cleaning the gutter can be an exhausting work.
Contact us and forget about all the inconvenience, a professional will take the job and clean all the debris in the gutter for you.

Fall Leaf Clean Up
At this time of year, your lawn will generally look like a total mess, as it will naturally accumulate a lot of debris and leaves, and the need for a cleaning will be more than obvious, but the leaves should be raked for more aesthetics reasons. Because by removing all debris and dead leaves, it will be easier for your lawn to get some oxygen and prevent a dangerous animal from hiding.
Most homeowners despair because they cannot keep up with simple tasks like raking leaves. Our cleaning service will not only save you time, but will also reveal if your beds or lawn also need some attention.

Winter Clean Up
Winter is a difficult season for most plants, and therefore at the end of this season, there will be a lot of maintenance to do,trimming, pruning, replanting any dead plants, and of course cleaning all the debris like leaves and tree branches.
With the right timing you can actually take advantage of the cleaning to prepare for spring, mulching when needed to add nutrients to the soil and revitalize your plants.
Landscape beds are especially vulnerable in winter and therefore need special care to restore their original shape.
Now that much of the vegetation is gone, it is easy to spot any weeds that may have grown.